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Custom Doors
Custom Hotel Doors

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Zanini Hotel Tagliafuoco

Technical, design and construction solutions make it possible to create tailor-made projects to meet every structural and aesthetic need, while maintaining safety regulations unaltered.
Door Panel
each model is made with different technologies, to meet the acoustic and fireproof requirements and the aesthetic needs of the customer. The door can have an overall thickness from 44mm up to over 100mm.
in wood of variable section, for traditional hinged solutions, flush with the wall or metal for flush doors.
65/85 in multilayer or MDF, telescopic also with oversized flap and shaped. Matching portals and boiserie.
concealed, anuba or butt.


Zanini boasts the highest quality and sustainability certifications like ISO 9001, FSC, PEFC. Under the brand thanks to the SOA certification, it also operates in public structures jobs together with the major European companies.

The certified articles are perfectly in line with the provisions of the law and with the requirements of foreign certification bodies: our articles are available for European and non-European markets.

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